Copyright: Nicolás Becerra / Fairtrade

3092141 Canadians have been engaged with Fair Trade through 394 designations since 2006

Fair Trade Programs enable you to be active in your community while making a difference in the lives of farmers and workers around the world.

Through fair trade product availability and promotion of the movement, your Town, Campus, School, Workplace, Faith Group or Event can receive a designation celebrating your commitment to trade justice. We provide the tools and resources you need to add your Program to the hundreds of existing designations across Canada.

Fairtrade provides real impact and benefits for 1.66 million farmers and workers in 73 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East, and the Asia-Pacific region.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for the farmers and workers who grow the coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, bananas and many other products we consume every day.

Sales of Fairtrade products in Canada generate over $6,000,000 US in Fairtrade Premium annually.

Fair Trade Town Fair Trade Campus Fair Trade School Fair Trade Workplace Fair Trade Faith Group

Fairtrade Canada works directly with businesses, licensees, retailers, consumers and campaigners to secure fairer terms of trade for farmers and workers in the Global South. By increasing the sales of Fairtrade certified products in Canada and supporting the work of our partners, Fairtrade promotes ethical values.

The CFTN works to engage, inspire and coordinate civil society advocates and volunteers, along with business, institutional, and government leaders, in building a robust social movement that works to advance the values and vision of fair trade.

Latest News

Oct 5, 2020

SFU named Canada’s first Fair Trade Gold Campus

On World Coffee Day, Simon Fraser University was proud to announce it has been designated by Fairtrade Canada and the ...

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May 25, 2020

Dawson College is now a Fair Trade Campus

While we all enjoy Fairtrade Month in May, Dawson College in Montreal had extra reason to celebrate, with their recent ...

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Feb 11, 2020

Fair Trade Programs Website Now Live

L’Association québécoise du commerce équitable, the Canadian Fair Trade Network and Fairtrade Canada have jointly launched a ...

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